Two 1156-PCB-W36 White LED Lamp for $ 19.95 (each) from Super Bright Lights inserted in the over head cabin light fixture gives three times LESS light then the standard tungsten bulb.
I used a digital light meter, measured the standard tungsten light bulb in the the fixture (behind the glass lens) and then added one of the LED panels, (also behind the lens and from the same distance away) and found that one LED light panel was 4 times dimmer then the standard bulb. Adding a second panel brought it up to 3 times dimmer. I was disappointed. I had high hope of replacing a few of the power eater bulbs over the galley and maybe inserting these LED's into the navigation lights. I ended up wiring the two panels inside the over head fixture. Back to the drawing board.
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John Danicic - CD36 - Mariah #124- Lake Superior
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Arrogant Boat Builder